Indie Jam Land™

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Forget Everything You've Heard™...

Store on the swag tab returning soon baby. Check back by Cyber Monday for some deals!

Download the ad here, or watch below:

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Get ready to meme with me soon. I'll release this stencil to the public a few weeks before I relaunch the swag tab.

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I'll release the stl file for free download. Or, you can buy one from me.

Look at the preview now!

Download this "Unplugged in Texas" set from J Peerless 111, or watch below (whoops, I forgot one... Oh well, eight to regulate):

The puritan in Silicon Valley won't even allow you to exist... He'll porn star your life away with a hidden camera. Or, he'll call you a sleazebag for using a condom. That's how gay this country is nowadays... They persecute you for being heterosexual... #calluhaul or #movingpods #podpeople

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You don't always get what you want...You get what you need... Let's make camping pictures.

I'm literally bored out of my freaking mind picture. Pick up a freaking bongo please picture.

How to make a song with good enough quality to submit to Indie Jam Land™. This video was obviously not filtered!

I don't ordinarily sing a capella, but I thought this was appropriate.

Surely, someone still has that meme of all memes I made of the poker game with 11 memes in one. Someone, please add this soundtrack to it. Come on... It's funny...

Hit the Contact tab for submission. If you just email (email is out until mid-June or so, 2024), leave your phone number, so I can talk to you first and make sure you're not a weirdo.

J Peerless 111's™ four limited edition collectible CDs will be for sale again March 13th around 4 pm near the South Congress Hotel in limited supply at SXSW in Austin, TX, as well as this spring break on South Texas beaches (2 for $20), along with some slutty t-shirts. They will be for sale here and on once I release the new browser with custom certificates...

Click here for a few samples.

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Or, click here for J Peerless 111 previews...

This Zangief really wanted to humble me. Download or stream below:

One of my old friends once told me, "to get respect, you have to give respect." I'll take that a step further by saying again, "come correct, or don't come at all." This is what these Californians and New Yorkers never understand. You don't know any of us nearly well enough for us to allow you to get away with talking all that trash. Don't expect us to know who tf you are. Just keep flying over...

No singles, until people start paying for them. By the way, how do you even know who I am, if you've never bought my music before? Certainly, it wasn't the one or two views on social media: Download or stream below:

What every woman needs to know -- a one pager

If you're a fan, don't fall for these racketeering schemes. People owe me a lot of money, and they will try to get you to fix some nonexistent problem, while they screw my life up. Look up the definition of racketeering if you don't believe me. I forgive you, but please stop! This happens to so many musicians. Educate yourself... Every time you sell someone out, it takes at least two weeks off of their life. It's been about two decades now... You nerds have been sellouts, since I was a kid. How many sellouts is that? A lot...

I used to always kick it with friends who knew how to fight, because people wanted to start a fight everywhere I went, ever since I was a kid. I befriended one imbecile too many who couldn't fight worth a damn, and that's when the sellout behavior began.

The entertainment industry is not very entertaining nowadays whatsoever... Watch below:

Click the image...

Click here for new songs and samples of J Peerless 111

To become a featured artist, Contact Indie Jam Land™ here!

"He who is the cause of someone else's becoming powerful is the agent of his own destruction; for he makes his protegé powerful either through his own skill or through his own strength, and either of these must provoke his protegé's mistrust once he has become powerful." -- Niccoló Machiavelli

© Indie Jam Land™, 9:32 AM, CST, January 12, 2021
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